Is This Email Subject Line Blackhat?

Is This Email Subject Line Blackhat

Take from this what you will. I’m not recommending you do what I’m about to describe, nor am I saying you shouldn’t do it, either.

Okay, here we go:

From time to time, I get emails from someone (Not in the IM niche) with subject lines that look like this:

Re: Ticket # 73652430

In the email, he explains that this ‘ticket’ is my discount on a certain product. Sometimes the discount is half price, and sometimes it’s like 95% off.

[et_bloom_inline optin_id=”optin_1″]

Obviously, he’s making the email look like the reply to a support ticket. And yes, it gets my attention. In fact, Google sometimes even flags these emails as being important in my inbox, which is rare for me.

He only uses this headline now and then because it wouldn’t work if he did it all the time. Or at least, I don’t think it would, since I haven’t tested it.

As I always say, I was hoping you wouldn’t take my word for it and test everything.

It might be worth noting that this guy seldom promotes anything that isn’t his own products.

Anyway, I wouldn’t even tell you about this subject line except for one thing: I buy stuff from this guy’s emails. So yes, his emails are working, including these quasi-bogus ‘ticket’ emails.

Like I said, take from this what you will. While I don’t necessarily support it, I will bet you that his open rates and conversions on these ‘ticket’ emails are high, or he wouldn’t keep doing it.


Nick James is the author of “Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing” and founder of the ‘Serious About Six Figures’ training course, which provides simple action steps to complete every week to generate a ‘six-figure a year income’ from selling simple information products online. Click Here to request your FREE COPY of the book and have it shipped to you anywhere in the world.

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